Ergonomics for Home Offices - Dos and Don'ts

As remote work becomes more common, many people are setting up home offices to create a dedicated workspace. However, without the proper ergonomic design, a home office can lead to discomfort, pain, and long-term health problems. In this article, we'll explore the dos and don'ts of ergonomics for home offices to help you create a safe and comfortable workspace.


1. Choose a Dedicated Workspace

Choose a dedicated workspace that is separate from your living area to create a clear boundary between work and home life. This will help you maintain focus and avoid distractions. Ideally, your workspace should be well-lit and have good ventilation.

2. Set Up Your Chair Properly

Your chair is one of the most important ergonomic considerations in your home office. Ensure that your chair is adjustable to support your back and maintain proper posture. Your feet should be flat on the ground, and your knees should be level with your hips. Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle when typing.

3. Adjust Your Computer Monitor

Your computer monitor should be at eye level, and the top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level. This will help reduce neck and eye strain. Consider using a monitor stand or stack of books to raise your monitor to the proper height.

4. Use an Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse

An ergonomic keyboard and mouse can help reduce wrist strain and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Choose a keyboard and mouse that fit your hand size and shape and are comfortable to use.

5. Create the habit of the right sitting posture with FitSit

No need for you to download anything, have your camera on all day long, or interrupt your workday. You will simply get a reminder to open FitSit. You start the practice – FitSit starts checking your position real-time. Follow the feedback, correct your posture and get healthier with us!


1. Work from Your Bed or Couch

Working from your bed or couch may be comfortable, but it can lead to poor posture and back pain. Choose a dedicated workspace with a comfortable chair and proper desk height to avoid long-term health problems.

2. Neglect Your Lighting

Poor lighting can lead to eye strain and headaches. Ensure that your workspace is well-lit, either with natural light or artificial light. Consider using a task lamp to reduce eye strain and improve lighting.

3. Skimp on Your Chair

Your chair is one of the most important ergonomic considerations in your home office. Investing in a comfortable and adjustable chair can help reduce the risk of back pain and other MSDs. Don't skimp on your chair, as it's an investment in your long-term health.

4. Forget to Take Breaks

Taking frequent breaks is essential for preventing eye strain, fatigue, and burnout. Don't forget to take breaks regularly to stretch, walk around, or rest your eyes.

5. Neglect Your Posture

Maintaining proper posture is crucial for preventing MSDs and long-term health problems. Don't neglect your posture while working from home. Sit up straight with your back supported, and ensure that your arms and wrists are in a neutral position while typing.

In conclusion, ergonomics is crucial for creating a safe and comfortable home office. By following these dos and don'ts, you can create a workspace that promotes well-being, productivity, and comfort. Choose a dedicated workspace, set up your chair properly, adjust your computer monitor, use ergonomic tools, and take frequent breaks to reduce the risk of MSDs and long-term health problems.

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